Coaching with Alyse

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Three Warning Signs Your Boyfriend is Full of Shit

Have you Ever Typed “My Boyfriend Keeps Lying to Me” or “My Boyfriend Gaslights Me” into Google?

If so, I am concerned! I just learned that an average of 100-1000 people search those 2 questions into Google every month. Every. Single. Month.

If you are at the point where you’re Googling your boyfriend’s behavior to convince yourself you’re not crazy, something is seriously wrong. Hint: it’s not you.

I want better for you. I want better for all of the women out there trying to navigate the world of dating on apps and all the mess that comes with it. I want better for the countless women I’ve seen repeating the same dating mistakes in my therapy and coaching practices.

I don’t want one more woman doing a Google search for “my boyfriend keeps lying to me” or “my boyfriend gaslights me” to confirm what she already knows to be true.

Ladies, listen up!

You don’t have to settle for someone who doesn’t treat you with respect. I know that at times it may seem impossible to find a nice guy but if you can learn to weed out the players or the liars or the gaslighters early on, you will save yourself a ton of time, energy and heartache.

So Here it is: 3 Warning Signs that the Guy You’re Dating is Full of Shit.

Ready to stop wasting your time and get strategic about dating? Great, let’s dive in.

Warning sign #1: He’s Acting Sketchy.

Look, when the guy you’re dating is acting shady, it’s easy to make excuses. You want the relationship to work and it’s normal for you to do mental gymnastics to justify why he might be acting sketchy.

Maybe you don’t have any real concrete proof that he has done anything wrong, but it just feels off. You just know that something is up.

You might tell yourself that he’s just emotionally closed off, that he’s not a great communicator, or that he has a hard time opening up. Or maybe you berate yourself for not trusting him in the first place.

But, girl, trust me, if he’s being generally secretive, acting weird about his phone, or has a passcode on his phone that he won’t share with you, those are all signs that he’s full of shit and there’s more shady behavior to come.

It’s true that in a healthy trusting relationship you typically won’t feel the need to look through your guy’s phone. But if you ever feel the need to look through it, you should absolutely be able to.

You don’t need to compile ample evidence to justify your decision to end it. You don’t need to prove your case or catch him in the act. You just have to trust your very wise gut and say goodbye.

Warning sign #2: His Story Just Doesn’t Add Up - AKA “My Boyfriend Keeps Lying to Me.”

We all know the feeling. Someone gives us an explanation and it just doesn’t add up.

Maybe they can’t keep their facts straight. Maybe it makes sense on the surface but there’s a feeling in your gut that they’re lying.

When this happens, you might think you have done something wrong. That you’re being overly skeptical, controlling or paranoid.

But, that sense in your gut is one of the most valuable tools you have. The more you ignore it, the more difficult it becomes to tune into it and make good decisions.

If you really start paying attention to what your gut is trying to tell you and not jump to using logic to override that feeling, you may find that it becomes a valuable vetting tool. Start practicing honoring that voice and its wisdom when it tells you someone is lying to you.

Warning Sign #3: He Makes You Feel Like You are Crazy - AKA “My Boyfriend Gaslights Me.”

When a guy you’re dating is being shady or secretive, it’s normal to call him out.

What’s not normal is when he turns your suspicions back on you and makes you feel like you’re crazy, paranoid, or out of line.

Sadly, many of us have been there. Maybe you’ve had a guy compare you to his crazy ex-girlfriend. Maybe he’s told you you’re just jealous, possessive, or damaged.

More than likely, he regularly makes women feel this way to manipulate them into letting him get away with bad behavior. Just ask his last “crazy ex-girlfriend!” A quality guy will listen to your concerns and have a conversation with you about them. He would never want you to feel that way.

When a guy ignores your legitimate concerns and makes you feel crazy when you try to bring them up, he is gaslighting you. That is unacceptable, and you shouldn’t stand for it.

If you’re at the point that you are searching “my boyfriend gaslights me” in Google, or if he’s causing you to question yourself and your sense of what you know is right, it’s time to move on.

How to Stop Dating Assholes.

If you feel like you keep dating some version of the same asshole over and over again, I have a group coaching course you have to try. It’s called Stop Dating Assholes!, and it will completely change the way you approach dating.

Believe it or not, dating doesn’t have to be miserable. You don’t have to cross your fingers and hope for the best as you head out to meet a rando who may or may not show up.

You can get intentional about what you want out of life and out of a partner.

You can learn to swipe with strategy.

Over the course of six weeks, we’ll figure out exactly what you want in a guy, explore the common mistakes women make when dating, and practice dating strategically to cut through the noise and find the right partner for you.

Stop making the same mistakes over and over again. Never Google “how can I tell if my boyfriend is lying to me? ” or “is my boyfriend gaslighting me?” again. We’re done with that shit.

Let’s work together to get intentional about dating so you can stop dating guys who are going to lie and gaslight you. I want better for you.

You know you’re ready to be done with the apps, done with the red flags, and done questioning your own sanity.

Sign up below to be the first to know when enrollment opens for the next round of Stop Dating Assholes! Let’s do this.

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